Posted by: drmilburn | September 12, 2011


Stress | Dr. Donna MilburnStress is one of the factors that can create feelings of frustration, anger, irritation, and contribute to a loss of anger control.  Are you feeling stressed?  Recognizing the symptoms and being aware of these as signs of stress is important.  Tell your doctor or your counselor if you are having some of these behaviors or problems.

__inability to sleep or lack of sleep

__letting little things bother you


__feeling out of control

__trouble concentrating

__yelling or raising your voice

__higher levels of irritability

__depressed mood

__feeling overwhelmed

__arguing with family, friends, co-workers

__changes in appetite

__overly negative or pessimistic attitude

__desire to drink alcohol, smoke, use drugs

__blaming others for mistakes

__flushed skin, redness in complexion, increased sweating


__muscle spasms or twitching of muscles

__losing temper more often

__being unable to express feelings

__being disappointed frequently

__bowel changes

__feeling that life has treated you unfairly

As a reminder, tell your doctor or your counselor if you are experiencing some of these behaviors or problems.
